A little voxel engine
This is the complete list of members for Chunk, including all inherited members.
BiomeArray typedef | Chunk | |
BlockArray typedef | Chunk | |
Chunk(glm::ivec3 position) | Chunk | |
Chunk(const glm::ivec3 &position, const BlockArray &blocks, const LightArray &light, const BiomeArray &biome) | Chunk | |
Chunk(const ChunkData &data) | Chunk | |
Chunk(const Chunk &other)=delete | Chunk | |
Chunk(Chunk &&other)=delete | Chunk | |
DATA_SIZE | Chunk | static |
e_biome enum name | Chunk | |
entity_ids | Chunk | |
genLevel enum name | Chunk | |
getBiome(const int &x, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getBiome(const glm::ivec2 &position) const | Chunk | |
getBiomes() | Chunk | |
getBiomes() const | Chunk | |
getBlock(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getBlock(const glm::ivec3 &position) const | Chunk | |
getBlockLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getBlockLight(const glm::ivec3 &position) const | Chunk | |
getBlocks() | Chunk | |
getBlocks() const | Chunk | |
getGenLevel() const | Chunk | |
getHeight(const int &x, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getHeight(const glm::ivec2 &position) const | Chunk | |
getHeights() | Chunk | |
getHeights() const | Chunk | |
getHighestLoadLevel() const | Chunk | |
getLight() | Chunk | |
getLight() const | Chunk | |
getLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getLight(const glm::ivec3 &position) const | Chunk | |
getLoadLevel() const | Chunk | |
getMeshID() const | Chunk | |
getPosition() const | Chunk | |
getSkyLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z) const | Chunk | |
getSkyLight(const glm::ivec3 &position) const | Chunk | |
HeightArray typedef | Chunk | |
isMeshed() const | Chunk | |
LightArray typedef | Chunk | |
observing_player_ids | Chunk | |
operator=(const Chunk &other)=delete | Chunk | |
operator=(const Chunk &&other)=delete | Chunk | |
setBiome(const int &x, const int &z, const biomeInfo &biome) | Chunk | |
setBiome(const glm::ivec2 &position, const biomeInfo &biome) | Chunk | |
setBlock(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z, BlockInfo::Type block) | Chunk | |
setBlock(const glm::ivec3 &position, BlockInfo::Type block) | Chunk | |
setBlockColumn(const int &x, const int &z, const std::array< BlockInfo::Type, CHUNK_Y_SIZE > &column) | Chunk | |
setBlockColumn(const glm::ivec2 &pos, const std::array< BlockInfo::Type, CHUNK_Y_SIZE > &column) | Chunk | |
setBlockLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
setBlockLight(const glm::ivec3 &position, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
setGenLevel(const genLevel &level) | Chunk | |
setHeight(const int &x, const int &z, uint8_t height) | Chunk | |
setHeight(const glm::ivec2 &position, uint8_t height) | Chunk | |
setLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
setLight(const glm::ivec3 &position, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
setLoadLevel(const int &load_level) | Chunk | |
setMeshed(bool meshed) | Chunk | |
setMeshID(const uint64_t &mesh_id) | Chunk | |
setPosition(const glm::ivec3 &position) | Chunk | |
setSkyLight(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
setSkyLight(const glm::ivec3 &position, uint8_t light) | Chunk | |
status | Chunk | |
toBiomeCoord(int index) | Chunk | static |
toBiomeIndex(int x, int z) | Chunk | static |
toBiomeIndex(const glm::ivec2 &position) | Chunk | static |
toCoord(const int &index) | Chunk | static |
toHeightIndex(const int &x, const int &z) | Chunk | static |
toHeightIndex(const glm::ivec2 &position) | Chunk | static |
toIndex(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z) | Chunk | static |
x() const | Chunk | inline |
y() const | Chunk | inline |
z() const | Chunk | inline |
~Chunk() | Chunk |