A little voxel engine
This is the complete list of members for Event::PlayerMoving, including all inherited members.
AbstractEvent()=default | Event::AbstractEvent | |
displacement | Event::PlayerMoving | |
getStaticType() | Event::PlayerMoving | inlinestatic |
getType() const noexcept override | Event::PlayerMoving | inlinevirtual |
ground_block | Event::PlayerMoving | |
old_position | Event::PlayerMoving | |
player_id | Event::PlayerMoving | |
PlayerMoving(const uint64_t player_id, const glm::dvec3 &old_pos, const glm::dvec3 &displacement, const BlockInfo::Type &block) | Event::PlayerMoving | inline |
~AbstractEvent()=default | Event::AbstractEvent | virtual |
~PlayerMoving()=default | Event::PlayerMoving |